• Empty Selection Tool

    Many GIS software packages include the Empty Selection Tool as a unique feature.Unlike other selection tools, which help you identify and highlight specific geographic features or data points, the Tool does the opposite – it clears or empties the current selection set. In essence, it deselects any features that the…

  • Layer Settings Page

    The Layer Settings page is the control center for managing and customizing layers in a GIS application. Here are some key functions it serves:

  • Print Tool

    The Print Tool in GIS serves a fundamental purpose: it enables users to generate high-quality maps that they can print or share digitally. While it may seem straightforward, the print tool offers a host of options and customization features that enable users to tailor their maps to specific needs. Here…

  • What is yey’maps?

      yey’maps is a comprehensive and robust geographic information system (GIS) platform developed by Drahola Technologies Inc. Our Software-as-a-Service provides users with a wide range of mapping and spatial analytic tools. That enable them to manage, analyze, and share spatial data effectively. We have developed yey’maps to be used across…

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